Rock climbing and mountaineering in general is a dangerous pastime that can lead to serious injury or worse. You should not undertake these without proper training or equipment.
By using this site you acknowledge that the information therein may be out of date or inaccurate and you agree that the TCLG (The Climbing Life Guides Inc) cannot be held liable for any damage that may be caused by use of this website.
Enthusiasm and interest are no substitute for knowledge and experience.
Climbing is a dangerous pastime that can seriously damage your health! Details of climbs recorded in these web pages -- together with their grades, reference to in-situ or natural protection, and locations -- are made in good faith having been compiled from first ascent descriptions and previous/current guidebook information. Not all of them have been checked recently for accuracy, and descriptions, grades, and, above all, stars, should be treated with extreme caution. Unfortunately climbs can change; holds fall off, rock becomes dirty, in-situ gear deteriorates or disappears. Even a minor alteration can have a dramatic effect on the grade or seriousness of a route. It is therefore essential that climbers judge the condition of any route for themselves before climbing. The contents of this website are believed to be correct. However, neither the TCLG nor its guides or those involved with its production, can be held responsible for any omissions or mistakes, nor liable for any personal or third party injuries or damage, howsoever caused, arising from its use.
Hiking, while being seemingly less intense, can also be dangerous if bad weather or winter conditions occur. As with climbing, the correct level of experience and equipment is necessary for the safe enjoyment of our wilderness. The ability to navigate safely in all conditions is very necessary. The great majority of mountain accidents occur to hikers and are usually the consequence of going without the required experience and equipment. Details of hikes (including approaches) recorded in these web pages, are made in good faith, having been compiled from direct experience of the hikes. It is essential that individuals judge the weather and mountaineering/hiking conditions on any route before setting out.
The contents of the walking pages in this website are believed to be correct. However, neither the FRCC, nor its members and their friends involved with its production, can be held responsible for any omissions or mistakes, nor liable for any personal or third party injuries or damage, howsoever caused, arising from its use.
In this claims-conscious age, climbers are recommended to obtain suitable insurance coverage.